Monday, July 11, 2011

my son wrote this

I was putting Sarah to bed and Ben was sitting on the porch, watching the sunset.  He let me put it on my blog so that we would always have it and so that the context in which he wrote it would be preserved.  He doesn't want it on his blog.

Our lives are like the Torah. You cannot understand it unless you work at it. You can’t reveal its secrets unless you work at it. As such, you can’t live the right way if don’t work at it. This said, the Torah shows us that we can’t have work done for us, we have to do that work ourselves. Take that extra step to understand it, to reveal the its secrets, and  to learn the right way to live. You can’t ask someone to take that final step for you, for them to reach your goals -- YOU have to do it. Because only YOU can make it meaningful. And only YOU can reach your goals.


  1. Amazing kid and he is my grandchild!!!

  2. Smart kid. Definitely Michigan material.

  3. Jill says...
    Now doesn't that make Cjds tuition worth the Lexus rolling off a cliff?

  4. Wow. I need to spend some more time thinking about that. Wow.

  5. Wow, A deep thinker. Make sure you have a hard copy of what he wrote and keep on driving that Lexus off the cliff.
